Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tough evening.......

Our day started off fine, we went to a friends house for a playdate and when I was getting Luke dressed he insisted on wearing his new superman t-shirt (which was one of his prizes for going potty like a big boy) and he insisted on wearing underwear!! Now I'm sure you all are wondering why this was alarming to me, well I have never let him leave the house in underwear - just pullups and although I bring extra everything with us I was nervous. However Luke did awesome all day - no accidents and he went potty actually 3 times at his friends house.

Both kids took about a 3 hour nap and I took about 1.5 hours and it was much needed - I have been feeling extremely drained lately and I'm not sure why (and before anyone asks I am positive that I am not pregnant). I decided to fix a family dinner (Luke usually just eats one of his handful of meals he likes) and that is where it all started to go downhill. I made chicken potpie which Luke used to eat like crazy and he would not even taste it. I told him if he would take just one bite that I would make him something else. Well, I finally got a bite in his mouth when he was crying and told him if he spit it out he was going to time out and no books at bedtime... I am so tired of making dinner and he not wanting to eat it. Well, out came the food and time out here we went... while he was in his chair he cried that he just wanted to go to bed his wish was granted. Now I feel like a terrible mom because this is two nights out of the last 5 that he has gone to bed without really eating... but I am at my wits end and do not know what else to do.

If anyone has any suggestions I would so love to hear them... we have tried it all.

I am so tired after the dinner saga that I am about to head to bed early.

1 comment:

chadandnikki said...

I have no suggestions, because mine's not quite this age yet. But you aren't a horrible mother. Stick with it.