Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 1 "official" potty training

I thought I would spare Luke the later embarassment of posting pictures of him on the potty, but I have to say I am a pretty proud mama for the first day ofpotty training. Luke got 10 stickers on his potty chart for going pee in the potty - he only had 1 accident which I totally expected - he pooped in his underwear and I could hear him tell his daddy "daddy I went poo poo in my underwear and I need new underwear right now!" Too funny!!!

I went and bought some inexpensive "prizes" for him for when he gets x amount of stickers and then I bought better prizes for when he starts really getting it.

Yeah Luke!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, even though you resisted a bit you did it!!! You are growing up so fast in front of my eyes and I love you so very much!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm sure he'll appreciate you keeping the potty pics off the world wide web. Sounds like things are going well. Keep it up!