Monday, November 3, 2008

Add on to Top 4 (to make it 5)

I thought of my other top 5 item of the week and it is a good one!!!

5. Caroline slept through the night twice last week and only woke up once during the night the other days. So things are looking up for us in the Srubar household - and I can't wait until she is sleeping all night every night. Now if I can just get her to take her naps somewhere other than on me for longer than 20 minutes we will really be doing good.

I am really going to try and update more regularly now at least once a week... because I really enjoy reading everyone else's blogs and keeping up with their kiddos.


Sarah said...

I'm so glad that I have your blog address now - I have gotten addicted to seeing 'sneak peeks' into other people's I can add yours to the list.

Anonymous said...

so cute!