Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, I have to brag on my big boy!!! When I picked him up at MDO today he saw me and said hi mama and the teachers told me "what a sweet boy he is," now if that doesn't make a mom's heart swell.... I couldn't believe it but he ACTUALLY took a nap for them on his napmat that my dear friend Deana made for him (www.deanassewcrafty.net) and they said he slept for about an hour. Now for those of you that know my son know that he doesn't take naps very well anywhere but in his own bed so this was a miracle in itself!! He got a good report card for his first day and he has been trying to tell me about the playground since we got home, he keeps telling me "mama I slide." So I do believe that the first day of school was a BIG SUCCESS!!!

Now if I can just get Caroline on a good daytime nap schedule I will be all set!!!

1 comment:

The Sheltons said...

Way to go Luke! Maybe Carter take a page out of his book and learn to nap in other places besides his crib.

Congrats on being productive - it feels good doesn't it!!