Thursday, August 28, 2008

My first blog.....

Well, I am blogging for the first time ever!!! I have been reading several friends blogs about their families and adventures and decided this would be a fun way to keep our friends and families caught up on what is going on in our lives.

I know you all know how much I LOVE to talk and tell stories about my kids so this is a perfect venue for me to get it all out and not take up someone's voicemail as I have been known to do.

Luke is now 21 months old and just amazes me daily on is thirst for knowledge and his comedic acts he performs for me everyday. At times I think his goal in life is to make me laugh - he really works hard at it and I find myself laughing often. Last weekend we went to "the farm" which is James' parents house and he had the best visit EVER!!! He saw his first real snake and kept calling it a "nake" and going sssssss - of course it was dead at the point he saw it because it was a big "nake." I add a pic later. He also tried to feed the cows sticks and grass through the fence and didn't appear to be scared of them at all. His popo got a new puppy named blackie and told Luke it was his dog and he played with it every chance he got.

Caroline is now our big girl at 2 months old and I can't believe how time has flown since she has been born. We are def. still adjusting to life with two but it is getting easier everyday and I'm sure James is happy as my shopping has slowed down a lot as I don't get out of the house near like I used to. I took her to the doctor today for her well visit (although she has a cold) and she weighs in at a whopping 12 lbs 4 oz and is 24" long (97%) so it looks like she might be following in her big brothers foot steps. The doctor was super impressed with her weight gain since she has reflux so bad.

Luke still loves his baby sister as he calls her and every morning when I go to get him from his room he tells me "shhhhhh baby sleeping" even if I have her in my arms. Or he will go find her and say "morning big girl" because he hears me call her big girl, it just cracks me up. Caroline tolerates Luke really well, he kisses her non-stop and has even licked her head on occasion and gave her "knuckles" yesterday and tries to share his milk and snacks with her.

Well, I think this is enough blogging for the first entry... I will be trying to blog weekly or more often and will be adding pictures next week.


DeanasSewCrafty said...

Hey! Congrats on your new blog! I look forward to reading it! I've been super busy with last minute shopping, ect. since my parents got here. I'll try to call you tomorrow.



Unknown said...

Hey Julie.....I love the new blog. I love to hear stories about little ones. They bring such joy. I'm glad everyone is doing well.... melissa